Pata huduma za ujenzi wa nyumba contemporay hidden roof kwa ubora, uimara, bila kuvuja popote pale Africa Mashariki

House Building
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TZS 220,000 – 302,500
Square Metre
House Building
TZS 1,600,000 – 2,200,000
Gate Installation, Metal Work, Welding
TZS 260,000 – 357,500
Square Metre
House Building
TZS 320,000 – 440,000
Square Metre
House Building
TZS 48,000 – 66,000
Square Metre
Welding, Window Installation
TZS 260,000 – 357,500 / Square Metre
Price Coverage: Labor Only
3 Installments, with Advance Payment of 30%
Quotation Price: TZS 110,000
Eng. Lwifunyo Mangula
Payment Challenges? WhatsApp Admin
The service of hiring our builders is only available in East African countries only; For clients outside E.A, we have an Online Supervision Service (OSS)Β in which you will use your private builder and we will be guiding and supervising him online where we will be exchanging pictures, videos, documents… that we can ensure the work is done at the best.Β Online Supervision Service (OSS)Β can also be used by East African clients too.All of our services require a client (or a client representative) to be at the site to oversee the workΒ (work inspection, buying, taking care and storing materials); this helps to minimize the supervision costs provided that we are working with local builders and not professional contractors.STEPS
  1. You will pay 5% of the labour fee so that a builder can prepare the required LIST OF MATERIALS on stage which you have selected to build; We will send the quotation within 24 hours after payments in your e-mail/WhatsApp
  2. After receiving the quotation start to prepare the required materials and also inform us when our builder should come to start work. (S/he will come within 3 days after you request him/her)
  3. You will be required to finish first 95% of the labour fee left so that the hired builder can come to your site
  4. A client will also be responsible for the provision of bus fare if your site is outside Dar es Salaam, Tanzania; Tariffs has been listed at the top form
  5. As the work progress at the site, we will continue to communicate with the builder and client to ensure the work is going well and at the best
  6. We will pay the builder per installment on sub-stages as s/he progress the work after you client has confirmed and satisfied what s/he has done
  7. For the work outside Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, a client will be required to prepare a decent bedroom which will be used by the builder and his/her team to sleep
  8. The client will not be responsible to provide a meal at the site, but the builder will handle it himself
  9. Builder will not be responsible in buying, taking care of and storing building materials, his/her responsibility at the site is only to build the house according to the drawings; Client will be responsible for buying, taking care of and storing materials
  10. The client will not be responsible for hiring construction machines unless stated before hiring the builder
  11. The client is responsible in hiring/buying formwork and scaffolds
  12. It is builder responsibility to do the work in best quality and also ensure discipline at the site and provided bedroom where s/he sleep
  13. For any enquiry or problem during construction or before construction, please be free to communicate to us here online

Tuna ujuzi na uzoefu wa kujenga nyumba contemporary za kuficha paa katika maeneo mbalimbali ya Tanzania, pamoja na nchi jirani kama Afrika Mashariki, Zambia, na Malawi. Tunatumia njia za kisasa za ujenzi kulingana na michoro uliyotupatia ili kuhakikisha ubora na usahihi wa mradi.

Mipango na Viwango vya Ujenzi

– Usimamizi wa Maji ya Mvua: Tunahakikisha mifumo ya mifereji ya maji ni imara na inayotosha, kutumia gata kubwa na downpipes za kutosha kuhakikisha maji ya mvua yanakusanywa na kutolewa kwa ufanisi.
– Usawa wa Bati: Tunaweka umakini mkubwa katika kuweka bati kwa njia inayohakikisha maji yanapita vizuri na kuepusha kujaa kwa maji juu ya bati.
– Uwekaji Sahihi wa Bati: Tunatumia njia sahihi za kuweka bati kwa kutumia vifaa bora na misumari imara ili kuhakikisha bati zinawekwa salama na bila hatari ya kuvuja.
– Kuzuia Taka: Tunaweka vichujio kwenye mifumo ya maji ya mvua ili kuzuia taka kuziba mifumo ya maji, huku tukihakikisha maji yanapita kwa urahisi.
– Kuzuia Uvujaji: Tunatumia mbinu za kisasa za waterproofing kwenye maeneo ya muungano wa bati na kuta au zege ili kuzuia uvujaji, kuhakikisha paa linaendelea kuwa imara na lenye ufanisi.

Huduma Zetu za Ujenzi

1. Huduma Kamili za Ujenzi:
– Tunahusika na kila hatua ya ujenzi, kuanzia msingi hadi kukamilisha mradi.
– Tunazingatia viwango vya juu vya kitaalamu na kuhakikisha tunafuata sheria zote za ujenzi.

2. Mchakato wa Ujenzi:
– Tunaweza kujenga nyumba kulingana na mfumo unaokubaliana na mteja.
– Tunaweza kusimamia ujenzi wa nyumba zote kwa pamoja au kwa awamu, ikitegemea mahitaji na bajeti ya mteja.
– Mteja ana uwezo wa kushiriki katika usimamizi na uhifadhi wa vifaa vya ujenzi kulingana na upendeleo wake.

3. Muda na Gharama:
– Tunaweza kukamilisha ujenzi wa nyumba ndani ya kipindi cha miezi miwili.
– Tunahakikisha kuwa mradi unatekelezwa kwa wakati uliopangwa na kwa gharama iliyokubaliwa, bila kusumbua mteja.

Maandalizi Kabla ya Kuanza Ujenzi

1. Mipango na Vibali:
– Ni muhimu kuwa na mipango ya kina ya ujenzi na vibali vyote vinavyohitajika kabla ya kuanza kazi.
– Tunaweza kusaidia katika ushauri na utekelezaji wa hatua hizi muhimu za awali.

2. Usimamizi wa Vifaa:
– Mteja anawajibika kusimamia ununuzi na usambazaji wa vifaa vya ujenzi.
– Tunashauri juu ya wauzaji wa kuaminika na ubora wa vifaa vinavyohitajika kwa ajili ya mradi.

3. Ukaguzi na Maboresho:
– Tunaweka utaratibu wa ukaguzi wa mara kwa mara ili kuhakikisha kuwa kazi inafanyika kwa viwango vinavyotakiwa.
– Tunakaribisha mrejesho na mabadiliko ya kazi ili kuhakikisha kuwa nyumba inakidhi matarajio ya mteja kikamilifu.

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Refund Policy

  • No Refund Policy: We do not offer refunds for payments made. However, clients may stop the work at any time. In such cases, the amount paid for the work not yet completed will be refunded with a 5% deduction.
  • Cancellation: If a client decides to stop the work, the refund will be processed for the amount corresponding to the unfinished work, minus the 5% deduction. No refunds will be issued for any work that has already been completed or for costs related to travel, accommodation, or materials.

Cancellation / Return / Exchange Policy

  • Cancellation:

    • You may cancel the service request within 24 hours of making the initial payment. After this period, a cancellation fee of 5% of the total labor fee will apply.
    • Once the builder has started work, any cancellation will require payment for the work completed up to that point and any related costs incurred (e.g., travel, accommodation).
  • Return / Exchange:

    • Our services involve hiring builders and do not include physical goods. Therefore, there is no return or exchange policy applicable.

Shipping Policy

  • Service Area: Our building services are available exclusively in East African countries. Clients outside this region can use our Online Supervision Service (OSS) to guide and supervise their private builder.
  • Travel Costs:
    • The quotation price for the service is available on our service page.
    • The client must pay the travel fare for the builders before they travel to the site.
    • Travel and physical visit prices for different locations in Tanzania are as follows:
      • Video Call & Google Map (Worldwide): $5
      • Physical Visit in Dar es Salaam (Tanzania Only): $40
      • Physical Visit in Coast Region (Tanzania Only): $60
      • Physical Visit in Morogoro & Zanzibar (Tanzania Only): $100
      • Physical Visit in Dodoma & Tanga (Tanzania Only): $140
      • Physical Visit in Southern Highlands Zone (Tanzania Only): $205
      • Physical Visit in Northern Zone (Tanzania Only): $205
      • Physical Visit in Western Zone (Tanzania Only): $265
      • Physical Visit in Southern Zone (Tanzania Only): $300
      • Physical Visit in Lake Zone (Tanzania Only): $350
      • Physical Visit in East African Countries: $650
    • For sites outside Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, clients must also prepare a decent bedroom for the builder and team. Meals are not included and will be handled by the builder.
  • Payment Terms:
    • Payments can be made in installments as indicated in payment section above. The first installment plus travel cost (to and fro) must be paid before the builder travels to the site and starts work.
    • Subsequent payments will be made based on the progress of the work.
From TZS 75,000/day
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Eng. Lwifunyo Mangula
Payment Challenges? WhatsApp Admin